The tag goes like this:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
and so:
1.Python Cookbook**-Martelli,Ravenscroft&Ascher(O'Reilly) -which contrary to all expectations is not about exquisite cuisine or fear of snakes.
2.Done- a book of 800 pages no less
3.The fifth sentence-
def workdays(start,end,holidays=,days_off=None)
4. The next three sentences-
if days_off is None:
days_off =5,6 #default to saturdays and sundays
workdays=[x for x in range(7) if x not in days_off]
5.Found this tag on Space Bar's blog and I tag Ankita,Dreamcatcher(who is pretty jobless anyway),Deepika,Solitary Reaper and Indira.
*isn't asinine such a cool word?Roll it over in your mouth and say it slowly.So deliciously condescending.***
** Accusations of being a geek/IT type will not be entertained.
***I sound more and more like my favorite bloggers.****
****welcome to the labyrinth of recursive footnotes :-)
I am not jobless. This is so unfair. And hello, a book of non-fiction which has 800 pages. That sentence made no sense to me. Hah. Definitely IT geek types. :P
lolll...nice one! It's 1:45 am and the nearest book is seven feet away and I am comfortably snuggled on the couch watching movies on my laptop. Let me reach out to the book tomorrow morning? :-p
awesome footnotes ;)
like the touch-up
@DC:yeah it is a book of 'recipes' technically-code snippets contributed by thousands of python-eers...The book has a very open sourc-ish flavor because of this.
@Deepika:Still haven't done the tag yet? must...control...(virtual)hand of death.
@Indira:thank you...though not strictly recursive :-)
@Ankita:yeah but the pic keeps going out of the box...hence the blog has a slightly left justified look.
So I noticed.But you know what,it makes me let out a smug "ha!"I thought you people could never go wrong with such stuff,only perpetual amateurs like me could.
So much for being an "IT geek type"(smirk!).Presumptions,presumptions...
@ankita:There-it is fixed now :-)
Kills me to break your heart,baby,but the borders of the last box are still playing peeping Toms.But keep at it,diligent one.
Ok,thereabouts,if not perfect.See what miracles one is inspired to perform when his faculties are put to challenge :)?'re blog's more than half decent as well....and I hear you're a Sandman fan.....not a lot of that species you find running around in daily life.
"Now with Internet at home,blogging would be easier and more frequent"
easier is fine... more frequent????
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