Sunday, July 15, 2007

I got tagged by Deepika here.The rules.
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
4. If you fail to do this within eight hours, you will not reach Third Series or attain your most precious goals for at least two more lifetimes.

OK don't the 1. and 2. points mean the same thing?since the people I wanted to tag have already been tagged,If you are reading this consider yourself tagged.

Eight random things about me:

1.One of the greatest pleasures that I indulge in is laughing at my own jokes.I laugh in such a way that the audience laughs at my laughter rather than the actual joke.So I get away with the most inane PJ's.

2.I get claustrophobic in the AC compartment of trains and have difficulty sleeping in that climate controlled rickety thing.

3.I prefer eating salads,soups and all things 'healthy'.If you want to torture me,just get me a meal of fries,cola and burger.You would rather see me at a SUBWAY than a McDonalds.In spite of this I am not really in good shape.

4.My idea of heaven is a place where you could play tennis to your heart's content and never get tired.preferably clay and under the lights.Also one of my childhood dreams was to win the French Open.

5.oh! and I have a very short attention span.I have only seen about 100 movies in my 22 years of existence.even when I do watch ,I see it in sittings.I saw Bheja Fry in 3 sittings and saw the two seasons of Prison Break over a period of 1.5 months.

6.I like girls with beautiful hair,long hair,coloured hair,highlighted hair-really in love with the Gothic look :D ;I hate girls who gossip,the 'I have to be home before dark' types,the unread/dumb/bimbo types,the typical Bangalore engineering female.

7.I am very immune to weather and my mood does not depend on whether its cold,hot,rainy,windy etc. and I usually can brave it all.One of the reasons why Bangalore's much vaulted great weather has not made any impression on me.

8.I usually do not complain at all and can be a very adjusting person and get along with almost anyone.In case this is sounding like an entry in a matrimonial website,let me tell you that I suffer from multiple Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde syndrome and am different things to different people.That's why all my Orkut testimonials are very different from each other.

PS:have not been able to blog much even though there is no dearth of topics.There have been tectonic shifts in life.College got over and have started work-which is proving to be a strange experience,more about it later I promise.


Anonymous said...

You hate the "typical Bangalore engineering female"? :) Exactly what is that?

loop said...

"Typical Bangalore engineering female"? And that equals "i hv to be home before dark types" ?

Or are these two different types?
WHY do u hate the first types? :) And as anon asks, what exactly is that!

Deepika said...

AWESOME!! :)quite unlike what I expected from you, and I'm so glad you got tagged!!
Waiting to hear more about the strange work experiences.
A lot of Bangalore women are getting offended with the comment on them, are you sure you want to keep it?? :):):)

loop said...


Hey,not offended really :)
Asking to find out what the man has on his mind..
But for all that u knw, he might just not reply to that!

Saanjh said...

For a change ..I loved the bangy engg female thingie..He He !! That statement had Gammafunction written all over it.Something tells me, that if i were to rewrite Mr. Sheldon`s Tell me your Dreams with a male protagonist, I would really take u as an inspiration :D

incredible said...

The mention of "the typical Bangalore engineering female" does offend many B'lore engg females :)
I appreciate your candor with the mention of "audience laughs at my laughter rather than the actual joke"
The posts of you depict that you consider yourself a paragon (no comments from my side :) )

Anonymous said...

where is the reply?? :)

Speak up!

Gammafunction said...

This has been long due.

@indira,anon,whoever it may concern :-) :typical Bangalore engineering female entails:one-dimensional nerds,people who cant think even if their life depended on it,difficult to carry on a decent conversation with-types.there is difference between the two .all 'have to reach home before dark' types are not engineering students and vice versa.

@deepika:thanks to you for the tag,found a topic to post on at least.

@saanjh:never read any Sidney Sheldon unfortunately. :-)

@incredible:thank you.I don't really understand what do you mean when you say that I consider myself a paragon.kindly clarify?

Anonymous said...

@ raj!

Ah...finally there figures a reply :)
Yes, soo many of the "city-bred" girls are the types that u mentioned..
Especially the point on..difficult to carry on a decent convo :)
But am not sure if only "engg." girls come under this category..Or probly tht came under exposure ;)

And yeah, generalising is bad :P There are always people who are a class apart! Engineer girls can be really dynamic, think clearer than u do, have better philosophies too :) So, be prepared ;)

I am Jack's indecisiveness wrapped in a sheath of fatalistic tendencies