Thursday, May 29, 2008

In which we do asinine* tags for wont of better things to do ..

The tag goes like this:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

and so:
1.Python Cookbook**-Martelli,Ravenscroft&Ascher(O'Reilly) -which contrary to all expectations is not about exquisite cuisine or fear of snakes.
2.Done- a book of 800 pages no less
3.The fifth sentence-
def workdays(start,end,holidays=,days_off=None)
The next three sentences-
if days_off is None:
days_off =5,6 #default to saturdays and sundays
workdays=[x for x in range(7) if x not in

Found this tag on Space Bar's blog and I tag Ankita,Dreamcatcher(who is pretty jobless anyway),Deepika,Solitary Reaper and Indira.

*isn't asinine such a cool word?Roll it over in your mouth and say it slowly.So deliciously condescending.***
** Accusations of being a geek/IT type will not be entertained.
***I sound more and more like my favorite bloggers.****
****welcome to the labyrinth of recursive footnotes :-)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What do you do when you are on the edge?When the world seems too cruel and unfair and exasperating?I write-whether it be this blog or my journal or office memos .I write and listen to the 9th and hope that the mad feeling passes.People say writing tinged with extreme feeling is never good but you write when you have to write and then it is just a flurry of words.I can't do calm,composed writing.I wish I could write like Falstaff churning out post after post of such intensity which leaves you spellbound. I would rather be insanely passionate than coolly efficient.I'd rather be Cobain than Chris Martin.I'd rather be Maverick than Iceman.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

An extremely hectic May it has been .First of all there is work which has been quite challenging lately with truckloads of responsibilities and endless sprints*.I want to go home so badly that my head aches every time I think of Jam and my trip is still a month away.Bangalore is unpleasantly cool this summer.It is extremely bright in the mornings with fuzzy sunlight around lunchtime and then around 3 in the afternoon,the light fades away-replaced by dark thunderous clouds and then inevitably-rain just when you have to leave office.innumerable bedraggled evenings-the most agonizing thing being standing at a traffic light with the rain slowly soaking through to your bones-drop by drop.I have always been a person who hates getting wet in the rain.What joy do people get out of dancing in the rain is something that I have not been able to fathom.Also there is this exam to be given and preparing for exams while working is so difficult-you only have the second rate hours of the day at hand not that any studying gets done on weekends.

Traffic in Bangalore is a funny thing.I wonder if it is the same in other places but there seem to be certain windows of time in which there is a lot of traffic on the roads and then there are lull periods in between.For e.g if I leave home at 8:30 then I am often caught in a mild rush on the road-these are mostly people trying to make it to work by 9 sharp but then unusually there is a lull in the traffic around 8:45-8:50 as most of these people would already be close to their respective destinations.but there is no 9:15-9:20 lull as people who have to reach work at 9:30 and also those wanting to reach by 10:00 are already out on the roads with the latter group out by this time in anticipation of heavy traffic!!

Now with Internet at home,blogging would be easier and more frequent(I hope).I am in the midst of a downloading frenzy but hardly have time to watch the movies I have already downloaded.I have a backlog of unfinished books too.There seem to be pending to-do lists everywhere.Work really squeezes the juice out of you.

* After singing paeans for Agile I sometimes do think that it might get difficult if you are the only one in a story point

I am Jack's indecisiveness wrapped in a sheath of fatalistic tendencies