Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A random conversation at work:

Female 1:but the J2EE trainer was good.
Male1:No,was bad.I did not understand much.
Me: Me neither!
Female1:but he was very helpful.
Me:You have been afflicted by the Stockholm syndrome.
Male1:but thats when........
Me:Yeah but it's similar to that.analogous.
Female1:what's what syndrome?
Male1 and Me:you wouldn't understand-you need level for that! bwahahahahaha!!
*Female1 grimaces*

And this featured in our conversations too. Wikipedia fascinates always.

Also innumerable Homer Simpson conversations......... with Male1 being a Springfield resident-almost but Male1 has been sufficently irradiated.(I will have names for my co-workers soon)

D'oh!!!!-just look at his expression here!!.LMAO :D

I love my job.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feeling fidgety.revolted with myself.lost.lonely.bored.fatigued.nerves on edge.blue-black vs turquoise blue,in an eternal dance of wits.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Has been a while

Its has been a while since I did a decent post.Life's been pretty busy,hectic would not be the apt word.Wake up-go to work-come back and sleep and then wake up on Saturday around 7 and think-oh, no going to work today- and then promptly dozing off for a couple of more hours.It is a strange feeling,I never actually imagined how life would be working and so far this life has been good to me.My routine in the office usually involves-reaching there by 9:30,coffee break of 10-15 min around 11:00,lunch around 12:45,loitering in the campus for about three quarters of an hour,another coffee/tea break around 3:15 and the office crowd starts thinning around 5:45-6 and everything is quiet around 6:45-and yeah around 6 ,some head to the cafeteria for snacks while some go to the gym-I head back home,cursing and breaking furiously in the maddening MG Road traffic and in between I also do some coding desperately trying to come to grips with unfamiliar programming concepts/vocab "requirements"-"analysis"-"design" all mean different things in different contexts and the most scariest word of them all-static............
I dream of red lines and yellow lines and light bulbs and red crosses and cntrl-x,cntrl-v,cntrl-c all running in wild maniacal circles around me- taunting me to confront them till I hear the sweet purring of the CPU acknowledging my almost perfect resizeable-resistant -pesky user defying-

it's almost Asok-in-Dilbert ian this love for my workplace is but I cant help it if my manager is a very co-operative man and that my team members do not actually suck but the honeymoon is gonna end soon- I have a vague premonition.Sometimes I do have that instinctive urge to bunk-to run away form work and cool my heels but then as a friend of mine pointed out-'you get paid to do this' so I curb the desire and get along with the job at hand.Finally read HP-7 and the last duel between Voldermort and Harry is almost anti-climactic- Expelliarmus?against the most feared wizard?The last chapter is such BS but it was unavoidable 'coz this would be the only way of ending the saga.I couldn't help feeling a bit sad at the end of it all-no more waiting for the next book ,no more Hogwarts ,no more Hagrid's creatures or Hogsmeade....

In other shocking news,Carlos Tevez moved to ManU(was hoping he would move to Chelsea-the presence of Crespo in the Blues starting line up two years ago being my sole reason for supporting them) on a two year loan from WestHam and Alonso continues to behave like a spoilt child.Kumble scored a century(I just love Test cricket!).Amidst all the sporting upheavals ,I decide to start another blog.So I present before you Bourgeoisie Armchair Philosophy- a blog solely dedicated to discussing things other than my personal life,sports,music, random musings -in short everything that I do not talk about on ICISIF.I am co-hosting this blog with Niksworth. No, I could not think of a better name and it just came to me.
Bourgeoisie 'coz of my earlier Communist leanings,Armchair 'coz I am not the kind of person who actually does something about what he says and Philosophy is just to validate any post that I might do under the garb of that word though Niksworth might disagree.happy reading.

I am Jack's indecisiveness wrapped in a sheath of fatalistic tendencies