Sunday, July 16, 2006

The picking up of old threads

Blogging after a really long time feels great...feel like a free bird after the dreaded exam 'season' more anxious gut wrenching agony of 1.5 day gap between monstrous and obscure papers....had a dream this afternoon....I see vast unexplored expanses of a fat engg. textbook.. everything looks unfamiliar and the exam is just next day and suddenly i wake up....relief floods more exams for atleast 4months....its over.... its over...

the reason why Mr. Psmith features on this post is coz i am smitten (if that is the appropiate word) by this guy's mannerisms/speech/wit...i had not sampled this character of Wodehouse ever before until yesterday when casually browsing through in a book store I decided to indulge in my 'dessert' of a literary meal...Wodehouse.. but didnt want to read Jeeves coz i have already have had too much of him...Psmith was a nice surprise in the sense that this story(Psmith in the city) is not your usual jump-into-mahyem-instantaneously Wodehouse novel but takes the more luxurious winding hill road to the point.its such a great feeling reading P.G.Wodehouse after nearly a gap of 3 years...3 years in which i was exposed to more variety than ever before but came across only a few novels which could make me feel gidily happy inside............ leaving you with a sample of a Psmithism.....

Psmith describing a fight which broke out in a certain meeting:
"By this time the meeting had begun to take sides to some extent .What I might call my party,the earnest investigators,were whistling between thier fingers ,stamping on the floor and shouting 'chestnuts!!' while the opposing party,the bravoes,seemed to be trying,as i say,to do jui-jitsu tricks with me.It was a painful situation.I know the cultivated man of affairs should have passed the thing off with a short careless laugh;but, owning to the above mentioned alcohol expert having got both hands under my collar,short ,careless laughs were off.I was compelled,very reluctantly,to conclude the interview by tapping the bright boy on the jaw.he took the hint,and sat down on the floor.I thought no more of the matter and was making my way thoughtfully to the exit,when a second man of wrath put the above on my forehead.You can't ignore a thing like that.I collected some of his waistcoat and one of his legs ,and hove him with some vim into the middle distance.By this time a good many of the earnest investigators were beginning to join in;and it is just there that the affair began to have certain points of resembelance to a pantomime rally.Everybody seemed to be shouting a good deal and hitting everybody else.Itwas no place for a man of delicate nature, so I edged towards the door,and drifted out.There was a cab in the offing.I boarded it.And having kicked a vigorous politician in the stomach,as he was endeavouring to climb it too,I drove off home" :) :)

I am Jack's indecisiveness wrapped in a sheath of fatalistic tendencies